Angkor Thom entrance

Leper King terrance entrance

Prerup temple

Bayon Temple dancers

Ta Phrom tree (favorite temple in Cambodia)
Ta Phrom

Ta Phrom

Angkor Wat reflecting pool

Angkor Wat temples

Angkor Wat temples

Angkor Wat engravings

Pheah Khan engravings
Other type of Cambodian gas station

I swear this picture wasn't staged
New Korean friends
New Korean clothes
My new home
I don’t know where the last 4 months have gone. It has been busy but I should have been putting up blogs. This has been my travel itinerary since the last time I posted a blog:
Korea – Vietnam – Cambodia – Korea – Spain – Italy – Spain – Korea – USA – Spain – Korea – Hong Kong – Spain
So I have moved from Korea to Spain. I enjoyed my 4 months in Korea but am very excited to be in Spain. I am living Tarragona, a town on the Mediterranean about an hour drive south of Barcelona. My apartment is about a 20 minute walk to the beach. Come and visit. The sangria is on me.
Well, this is going to be my least exciting post to read, at least so far. There are a lot of things I want to write about before coming to Spain but I’d rather write about the things I’ve already done in Spain. So things will be a little in reverse but I’ll come back and update this blog after I’m all caught up. Check back in September for this one, it will be worth the read. Meanwhile, hope you enjoy the photos from Cambodia and Korea.