Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Life has been pretty boring since I returned from Iceland. But I had a birthday last week and this year was a pretty unique birthday. It’s not every birthday that you get sung to by 30 Indian engineers. They also gave me a small piece of gold and a lunch of Indian food. Now if I could only get them to work faster, that would be a great present! The picture above is me with about half the people I work with. I should be fluent in Hindi by now.

It truly felt like my birthday today when I received a package of mail from work. Inside was about 10 birthday cards from home. I think Gamla had something to do with it because I have no idea when the last time I got so many birthday cards. I’ll have to live overseas on my birthday more often. Thank you to everyone that took the time to send me a card. It meant a lot to me.


Doug said...

Late Happy B-day Buddy!

Slatman said...

Happy Birthday AB. This photo is now my background to my computer desktop.

G said...
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G said...

Hey Berg, Happy Birthday (though its fairly late in the day!) Just saw Mark's email and remembered to check your blog! The cake in the pic looks delish. Cheers, Grace